Monday, November 30, 2009

The Foss Family

The family that PRAYS together, ROCKS together!!!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009


October 24, 2009
Cebu  City, Cebu, Philippines
San Isidro Parish | Chateau de Busay
Hair and Make-Up by: Jonas Borces
Coordinator: Joseph Arnejo

Thursday, November 19, 2009


We are still catching up with our our editting work. Haven't been able to post anything new for the past few weeks.
But I could not help but show you people this gorgeous bride! Gina Cortes was wed to Ampogs (Mark Andrew Pros) last November 18, 2009.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mark & Gina

2 years of being apart and yet you can feel the lovin' radiating from these two when we had their engagement pictorials. Mark Andrew Pros lives and works in Canada while the lovely Cebuana bride, Gina Cortez, runs a small business in Mandaue.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Lindley & Donna (Teaser II)

We are swamped with work for the past 3 weeks and I haven't had the time to post new pics.
But we've managed to go through some of the shots from Lindley and Donna's wedding. Here are some of the shots...